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    About Fushen

    Fushen Group Co., Ltd. is a well-known domestic garment manufacturer developed from the Fushen Garment Company established in 1990. It is the vice chairman unit of the Men's Clothing Professional Committee of the China Garment Association.

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    In the journey of change and search, Fushen insists on developing through innovation, taking brand men's clothing as the guide, extending to diversified fields, laying out the future, and planning for a hundred years!

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    Huizhou-a shining pearl located in eastern Guangdong, known as the "important town in eastern Guangdong, famous county in Lingnan", gathers landscapes of sea, lakes, mountains, water, and waterfalls, and integrates the culture of the Dongjiang basin.

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    Huizhou-a shining pearl located in eastern Guangdong, known as the "important town in eastern Guangdong, famous county in Lingnan", gathers landscapes of sea, lakes, mountains, water, and waterfalls, and integrates the culture of the Dongjiang basin.


    Social responsibility

    Huizhou-a shining pearl located in eastern Guangdong, known as the "important town in eastern Guangdong, famous county in Lingnan", gathers landscapes of sea, lakes, mountains, water, and waterfalls, and integrates the culture of the Dongjiang basin.


    Contact Fushen

    Huizhou-a shining pearl located in eastern Guangdong, known as the "important town in eastern Guangdong, famous county in Lingnan", gathers landscapes of sea, lakes, mountains, water, and waterfalls, and integrates the culture of the Dongjiang basin.

Social responsibility

Fushen Private Customization Helps Huizhou Premiere of Chinese Classic Ballet "Red Detachment of Women"

Source: Time:2020-06-16 09:14:53 views:

"Blessing the motherland and blessing Huizhou"-celebrating the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China and the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Huizhou City, the Central Ballet's classic ballet "The Red Detachment of Women" will be staged at Huizhou Culture and Arts Center on October 15th. Rich gentleman's private customization helped this time The performance was a complete success.

       “祝福祖國 祝福惠州”——慶祝中華人民共和國成立70周年、惠州城市解放70周年中央芭蕾舞團經典芭蕾舞劇《紅色娘子軍》10月15日于惠州文化藝術中心隆重上演,富紳私人定制助力本次演出并取得圓滿成功。

     《紅色娘子軍》 分為六個場景呈現貧農女兒瓊花受到地主惡霸南霸天的欺壓,最終在紅軍黨代表洪常青以及戰(zhàn)友們的幫助下逃了出來,經過血與火的戰(zhàn)斗考驗,從一名苦大仇深的鄉(xiāng)下丫鬟,逐漸轉變成長為一名堅定的革命戰(zhàn)士的過程,生動描繪 了一幅中國婦女堅強不屈革命精神的壯美圖卷??梢哉f《紅色娘子軍》已遠遠超越了一部芭蕾舞劇本身的意義, 成了一種文化符號,是一部經典的舞臺藝術精品,是中國芭蕾的象征。

Fushen Group Co., Ltd. All rights reserved 備案號:粵ICP備15116549號 網站建設:惠州北易